Monday, May 28, 2012

Shades of the Evening

I'm taking a small break from all the fangirling and going into a more peaceful mode. Actually more of a philosophical and analytical mode.

By: Pramod Reddy

When I look this, I think of these words: Respect, reverence, beauty, melancholy, wonder etc. Just revel at the composition of the photo. The balance between the colors is just fantastic! And sky here is actually more than two colors: blue, pink, gray, faded blue, bluish-pink, dark gray at the bottom. You always have to look for the subtleties. The glaze of the building. The birds in flight...simply beautiful. This particular mosque is the Mecca Masjid from Hyderabad, India. Check more of out Pramod's photography here!


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    1. Hey! Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting! I just started it! Will love to hear from you! :)
